Title: To ensure the younger generations are disclosed to the importance of civic values.
Theme : Civic ValuesBy: Roshini A/P Mahendran | Instagram
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Younger vs Older: Where has our respect gone to? |
"A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with freedom"
1. Introduction
Acknowledge the audience
Introduce yourself
Talk briefly about civic values
Give some facts and quotes
Talk about the importance of civic values
Improve the public
2. Main idea 1
Providing support to the needy ones
Help Difficult times
Help when in trouble
Loved by society and appreciated
Each person have their dignity
3. Main idea 2
Difficult being a student
Balance school chores and other jobs such as with family and friends
Develop skill patiently with practice
Example of respects situations
4. Main idea 3
Comparison between Myth and fact
People and animals deserve to be respect
Positive feeling or actions towards people
Honouring by society
With respect we can leave with dignity
5. Main idea 4
Must be fair
Finance and power
Social justice
Equality and human rights
Implanted in self-esteem
6. Main idea 5
Virtue by world religion
Giving without expecting
7. Conclusion
Conclude your speech
Summarise your point
Give some motivation
Say thank you
1. Introduction
Acknowledge the audience
Introduce yourself
Talk briefly about civic values
Give some facts and quotes
Talk about the importance of civic values
Improve the public
2. Main idea 1
Providing support to the needy ones
Help Difficult times
Help when in trouble
Loved by society and appreciated
Each person have their dignity
3. Main idea 2
Difficult being a student
Balance school chores and other jobs such as with family and friends
Develop skill patiently with practice
Example of respects situations
4. Main idea 3
Comparison between Myth and fact
People and animals deserve to be respect
Positive feeling or actions towards people
Honouring by society
With respect we can leave with dignity
5. Main idea 4
Must be fair
Finance and power
Social justice
Equality and human rights
Implanted in self-esteem
6. Main idea 5
Virtue by world religion
Giving without expecting
7. Conclusion
Conclude your speech
Summarise your point
Give some motivation
Say thank you
“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." This is a saying which is said by the formal US President John F.Kennedy. To understand the proverb better it challenges our society to involve and contribute in order to improve the public. You might already guess the topic that I am about to delivery and yes it is related to Civic Values.
A very good day, the Principle of Convent, Mr.Fernendez, Chairman of the Civic Club, Mr.Nandy, teachers and students. I am Shyamilee, the Ministry of Education is standing right here to implement civic values in students. What are Civic Values? These values we learn are for the sake to respect as citizens. It is to show that all people treated with the same equality.
There are many kinds of civic values but the ones that I am going to talk about our solidarity, responsibility, respect, justice, and generosity. Let us talk about solidarity. It consists of providing support to anyone who needs it, especially when in difficult times. As a quote said by Stanhawk, solidarity is based on the principle that we are willing to put ourselves at risk to protect each other. So my dear students, remember if you anyone who needs your help or if they are in trouble don't just leave them but try your best to help them out from the problem. This will make you a better person and loved by society. You must know that to educate solidarity is the synonym as educating ourselves in humanity. Therefore, to built a society that is truly human means to put the person at their dignity at the centre. Students, you must know that unity is strength.When there is collaboration and teamwork amazing things can be achieved. There is a quote once said by Karen Clifton, "the passion is the ultimate picture of God’s solidarity with all of us as frail humans who are easily swayed from choosing life".
Moving on to the next point which is responsibility. It is difficult to be a student. You have to balance school chores and other responsibilities which are work and time with family and friends. But with practice, you can develop skills that will help students throughout the rest of your life. As a saying goes practice makes perfect. First, you must be responsible for attending class every day without fail. Show up to class on time and be well prepared.Sit in front of the classroom and be involved in class. Do listen attentively, ask and respond question if you have any doubt. Secondly, be responsible for taking good notes in class for revision purpose.You should also rewrite your notes. Rewriting helps you to process information innovatively and creatively. The most essential responsibility is managing your time wisely as we all know time is gold. Doing this will significantly help you to become a productive student. This skill is highly valued by the teachers.
Students, you cannot escaped the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with freedom. Dear students, remember this principle. Worry less, smile more, listen carefully and take responsibility. Accept what you cannot change. And brace the lesson and love your life because with great power comes great responsibility. Make sure take responsibility and initiative for yourself. Stop blaming your circumstances on what you are able to change. Please bear in mind that responsibility is accepting that you are in the cause and the solution of the matter.You have to primary : To accept condition as they exist or to accept the responsibility for changing them. Please strive to be a leader as leadership is about taking responsibility without making excuses.
Students, you cannot escaped the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with freedom. Dear students, remember this principle. Worry less, smile more, listen carefully and take responsibility. Accept what you cannot change. And brace the lesson and love your life because with great power comes great responsibility. Make sure take responsibility and initiative for yourself. Stop blaming your circumstances on what you are able to change. Please bear in mind that responsibility is accepting that you are in the cause and the solution of the matter.You have to primary : To accept condition as they exist or to accept the responsibility for changing them. Please strive to be a leader as leadership is about taking responsibility without making excuses.
Next civic value is respect. Every human being on earth has their own personal characteristics which must be maintained and no one should object to one's personality. This is called respect. The society only understands the myth that respect should only be given to the elders, although the fact this is an indispensable characteristic between all the people and even animals. Students, remember that a child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect to anyone. You do not have to disrespect and insult others simply to hold your own ground. If you do, that shows how shaky your own position is. There is a quote said by the wise people that we should treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given. Thus respect is a positive feeling or action that is expressed to someone or something. Having good respect values can honoring by society because it costs $0.00 to treat someone with respect.
Dear students, without respect love is lost. Without carrying love is boring. Without honesty love is unhappy. Without trust love is unstable. Dear students, you can’t force people to respect you but you can refuse to tolerate their disrespect. Don’t allowed someone to treat you poorly just because you love them and don’t lower your standards for anyone or anything because self respect is everything. Students remember that knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect. Please respect people who fine time for you in their busy schedule, but love people who never look at the schedule when you need them. If people respect you, respect them back, if they disrespect you respect them back. They represent their ideology you represent yours. Never trade respect for attention. Respect is for those who deserve, not for those who demand it.
Dear students, without respect love is lost. Without carrying love is boring. Without honesty love is unhappy. Without trust love is unstable. Dear students, you can’t force people to respect you but you can refuse to tolerate their disrespect. Don’t allowed someone to treat you poorly just because you love them and don’t lower your standards for anyone or anything because self respect is everything. Students remember that knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect. Please respect people who fine time for you in their busy schedule, but love people who never look at the schedule when you need them. If people respect you, respect them back, if they disrespect you respect them back. They represent their ideology you represent yours. Never trade respect for attention. Respect is for those who deserve, not for those who demand it.
Moving to the fourth point, justice is another part of civic values. When there is a conflict, it is always fair to give a reason for the person who is in possession. Justice also applies in the area of finance and power.There are four types of justice which are commutative, distributive, legal and social.But the main, justice that should be planted in students from the very beginning is social justice. Social justice is based on equality and human rights plus can be defined as “the way human right are practised in everyday lives of people in the society. As the education minister I am working out a number of movements to achieve social justice in students. As students, you need to have social justice implanted in your self-esteem. Every one of us, deserve to enjoy the same economic, political and social rights, regardless of ways status, gender, physical appearance in another characteristic. The student must help each other to reflect social justice in the classroom. Students, the dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them. Justice consists not being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, where ever found again the wrong. All o you must know that justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. As a quote said by Albert Einstein, in matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.
Last but not less, generosity is one of the civic values which must be taught to students. It is the act of being not materialistic and often is the symbol of kindness and gifts. Generosity is one of the virtue by many world religions, and is are normally celebrated in religious and cultural ceremonies.It is also the act of giving and not expecting something in return.There are five types of generous people. First is altruism. They give without hope of receiving remuneration for their good deeds. Second is, optimism. Generally , generous people are idealist.They have a certain perception on how the should be. Even though the world is not a perfect place optimism people do not stop giving their time money or energy. They believe the world can be a better place. Thirdly, trust is a major quality in generous people. This means a trust that the others involved with the course will be using the time, energy and resources. Next, when you think people being generous energy is one of the first thing come to mind. This people will spend their energy doing good deeds. Most generous people use the time wisely working on goal. This way they tend to be more successful. This quality of generosity might seem odd to you but keep in mind, most generous people are not afraid to stand up and lead. Although not everyone can actually lead their cause or group, this will not reduce this individuality leadership ability. Getting involved itself is the first ability of leadership.
So my dear students, if you are concern with increasing your level of generosity, these five factors will put you on the right path. A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compensation other things that new humanity. As a quote said by Pablo Picasso, the meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of live is give it away. Generosity produce by the heart but selfishness is approved by the mind. Students, remember all the goods you can, but all the means you can , in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can as long as ever you can because as a quote said by the wise man Mahatma Gandhi, gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one raise or religion. I expect to pass through life but ones. If therefore, there will be any kindness I can show or any good thinks I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now and not defer or neglect it as I shall not pass this way again.
So my dear students, if you are concern with increasing your level of generosity, these five factors will put you on the right path. A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compensation other things that new humanity. As a quote said by Pablo Picasso, the meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of live is give it away. Generosity produce by the heart but selfishness is approved by the mind. Students, remember all the goods you can, but all the means you can , in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can as long as ever you can because as a quote said by the wise man Mahatma Gandhi, gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one raise or religion. I expect to pass through life but ones. If therefore, there will be any kindness I can show or any good thinks I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now and not defer or neglect it as I shall not pass this way again.
Since time passes moves slowly but passes quickly, I guess my time here with you student has finally come to end. I do not wish to drag my speech any longer as they say its better to leave audience before they leaves you. But before, I walk down the stage let me conclude my entire points . I would like to emphasize my duty as the education minister to make sure civic values to be embed in your personality. Please do keep in track that the five civic values which are solidarity, responsibility, respect , justice and generosity are the main civic values that all of you students must practice in your daily life. I am just doing my part to ensure a better world as you students are the future of our world. Don’t be afraid of moving forward the future is bright plus students, education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. With all my respect I thank you all for spending your time to listen to my speech.
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